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Early birds get early bookings, more reviews and ratings and just 1% commission !!!

Yes just 1% commission will be charged from Hosts. Join early and reap the benefits.

Just 1% commission from Hosts for Listings made before June 1, 2024

We promise this unheard of low commission for a minimum period of 1 year if you create a complete listing before June 1

We will endeavour to come up with innovative ways to cut costs and overheads so that we can keep it at 1% for you forever.

Our guarantee is this : We will be far lower in commissions charged than any other major serious player in this industry.


Zero % commission from Guests forever

This policy of Zero Commission from Guests for life will ensure that Guests will flock to our platform.

Word of mouth, social media publicity & Amazi Innovation will ensure that stays on top, costs stay down.

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